Leading Aircraftman Thomas Connelly

Posted on Apr 13, 2011

Leading Aircraftman Thomas Connelly


Born in Airdrie, Lanarkshire on 30 September 1892, Thomas Connelly worked as a miner and warehouseman until he joined the Royal Naval Air Service as a Air Mechanic 2 at the age of 24 on 6 September 1916. After a short stint on President II, Connelly was posted to Daedelus – the Royal Naval Air Service Training Establishment Cranwell on 12 September.

On 20 February 1917, Connelly was briefly transferred to the RNAS Flying School at Eastchurch, Kent – considered the home of the RNAS and British aviation itself. He then went to The RNAS seaplane base at Killingholme in Lincolnshire.

Moving back to Scotland on 20 April 1917, Thomas Connelly was posted to East Fortune where he remained until 1 February 1918.

At the time of his death (according to the Norfolk Chronicle) his home address was Midfield Cottage, Inveresk, Midlothian.

Service numbers: F20367/220367