
All members of the NS11 crew are commemorated on Hollybrook Memorial, Southampton. The only body recovered was that of Charles Henry Lewry. He is buried at Ann’s Hill Cemetery, Gosport.

There is also a memorial drinking fountain in the grounds of the Viaduct Sports & Social Club, Earlestown, Lancashire. Until at least 2002 the memorial had a bronze plaque with an impressive family crest and inscription: ‘Presented to the Viaduct Institute by Walter and Mary Warneford in memory of their son, Capt. WKFC Warneford AFC RAF and the gallant crew of HM Airship NS 11 which was lost off Sheringham on the night of July 14, 1919.’ Walter Wyndham Hayden Warneford, to whose son it was dedicated, had been a Works Manager of the old LMS railway coach and wagon works at Earlestown. Now rather the worse for wear and a target of vandals, it was once an impressive and treasured feature (although there are now moves to restore it). W. K Warneford was their only son.

There is also a memorial to Captain A. S. Elliott at St Andrews church, Boynton, Near Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire. Thanks to Clive Watts for this information.